Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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RISOFTDEV inc. designing solutions for the real world.
RISOFTDEV inc. - Home
Home Our patent pending technologies cover core areas that are predicted by analysts to dominate the security and tech arena for decades to come. Where we differ from the competition is in our ability...
Overview R.I. Keys is a benign key creation system, designed to be used with any software. Keyfiles can be created locally by using the keyfile creation tool, or by using online versions of the creat...
RISOFTDEV inc. - Home
Encryption Our proprietary encryption algorithms offer unparalled flexibility and strength. Please contact us for details, export restrictions may apply. Black key One of the critical aspects of any ...
SAIL (Syntax Independent Logic)
Enter what you would like to say in the text field above the avatar and click on the button labeled "Ask me a question". Do not click on the button again. Wait for the response. Sometimes it takes a s...
These are some of the technologies that RISOFTDEV inc. has developed in the computer authentication field. We believe these technologies to reepresent significant advances in the field and welcome...