Publications - Ragib Hasan PhD
[Journal] [Book Chapters] [Conference/Workshop] [Poster] [Link to Google Scholar Author Page] Journal Publications Mohammad Aminul Hoque, Mahmud Hossain, Shahid Noor, S. M. Riazul Islam, and Ragib H...
Research - Ragib Hasan PhD
Mobile Malware The proliferation of mobile computing devices has enabled immense opportunities for everyday users. At the same time, however, this has opened up new, and per- haps more severe, possibi...
Blog - Ragib Hasan PhD
What would the world of tomorrow look like? It’s an age old question people have asked over the years. Till recently, the answers were typical. But the emergence of AI, Virtual reality, and ubiquitous...
History of Linux - Ragib Hasan PhD
Visits since July 2002 History of Linux version 2.2.0 by Ragib Hasan Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign This article is hosted at http://netfiles.uiuc.edu/rhas...
Curriculum Vita - Ragib Hasan PhD
Curriculum Vita of Ragib Hasan (April 2017) 1 page biography (June 2015)
Contact - Ragib Hasan PhD
Email The best way to contact me is via email. Please send your email to: ragib AT cis.uab.edu Phone +1-205-934-8643 Postal Address Ragib Hasan Department of Computer and Information Sciences Universi...