Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Developer Diary - Catalogue of things I have found
{% for post in paginator.posts %} {{ post.title }} {% if post.subtitle %} {{ post.subtitle }} {% endif %} Posted on {{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }} {% if post.image %} {% endif %} {{ post.excerpt...
Runtime XML binding using EclipseLink
Recently I was doing a POC for a dynamic JXB user-case. So our customer was consuming a JAXB based schema from one of their upstreams. The schema published information fields of supported products. Si...
Testing Async Spring methods
Recently I was part of team which started a green field project. Our application was a Spring Boot application. We were strictly adhering to TestDrivenDevelopemnt. Spring has good testing support. We ...
Working with Istio Ingress Gateway
Previously I configured Istio on Microk8s and deployed a sample spring-greeting service on it. I explored Istio telemetary, looking through the various dashboards it made available in Grafana. As I ac...
Configure Database Store for Jetty sessions.
I have a kata application, which allows me to be hands-on with various things. This is a web application and sometime back it had the use case of Persisting sessions. The application is a simple webap...
Creating Docker images for Java projects
I have been building a new Greenfield java application for quite sometime. This was a standard Spring boot application which packs an embeded servlet container. Most of my demos ran the application va...