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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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We are moving to a new web space Our website is currently undergoing renovation. We will be back shortly. But in new web address. Thank you for your patience. This project is carried out by E Learning...
Rajasinghe Central College | Sports
Last Updated on 2nd of February 2016 Designed and Developed by ICT Unit.
Rajasinghe Central College | Assistant Principals
Head of the art section Name: Mrs. H.D.R.M. Patricia Head of the science secton Name: Mrs. K.A.S. Jayathunga Head of the commerce section Name: Mr. W.D.J. Kamalasiri Head of the technology section Nam...
Rajasinghe Central College | Academic Staff
Last Updated on 14th of April 2016 Designed and Developed by ICT Unit.
Rajasinghe Central College | SDS
School Development Society The school development society is one of an active part of the school system. If combines together parents, teachers and the school managment. Under a main goal in order to ...
- Rajasinghe Central College | Past Principals