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Plants of Texas Rangelands » Help Me Identify My Plant
Brush and Weeds of Texas Rangelands (B-6208) This field guide will help landowners and rangeland managers identify the brush and weed species of greatest concern in their areas. It includes plant des...
Plants of Texas Rangelands » Prairie Rain-Lily
Liliaceae (Lily family) DescriptionPrairie Rain-Lily grows from a black underground bulb up to about 1.5 inches or 4 cm tall, conical when young and becoming flattened to round. It spreads by bulb off...
Plants of Texas Rangelands » Whitebrush, Beebush
Verbenaceae (Vervain and Verbena family) DescriptionWhitebrush is an aromatic shrub of the Vervain family. It reaches 3 to 10 feet or 0.9 to 3 m tall. Also called Beebrush, this shrub may grow as a si...
Plants of Texas Rangelands » Cocklebur
Description Cocklebur is an introduced annual plant in the Sunflower family. It is a coarse, rough weed commonly found across Texas. This plant spreads rapidly around tanks and down draws when moistur...
Plants of Texas Rangelands » Sweetgum
Hamamelidaceae (Witch-hazel family) DescriptionSweetgum is a large, native tree in the Witch-Hazel family. A warm-season perennial, it can grow up to 150 feet or 47.5 m tall. Its bark is brown to gray...
Plants of Texas Rangelands » Honey mesquite
Fabaceae (Legume family) Description Honey mesquite is a small to medium-height tree or shrub. It is thorny and has either one stem or branches near the ground. A member of the Legume family, it is th...