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Rita Castilho
Rita Castilho TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES Every Fall I teach a macroevolution course for 90+ upper level undergraduate students and in Spring I teach Marine Biogeography and Evolution master course to ...
HOME Evolution Marine biogeography, the study of the geographical distribution of marine organisms, is a core discipline of evolutionary biology since the days of Darwin and Wallace. Our research is p...
Rita Castilho
Rita Castilho EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITIES PERSONAL INTERESTS Friends (still around....) I have taught small graduate groups to 100-person introductory phylogenetics for bioinformatics module course. Ev...
Atlantic Fishes Lisbon, Portugal 26-27 November 2011 Over the last several years a number of studies on the phylogeography of Atlantic fish have started to shed light on evolutionary processes in this...
LAB MEMBERS Group Leader My research is question-driven, instead of model driven and I am interested primarily in understanding evolutionary patterns and processes. Therefore I am not confined to a pa...
Course Description
COURSE DESCRIPTION Marine biogeography, the study of the geographical distribution of marine organisms is a core discipline of evolutionary biology since the days of Darwin and Wallace. We will examin...