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Reduced Garbage | Reduced Impact Family
Posts about Reduced Garbage written by Reduced Impact Family
New Additions to the Family (Red Wigglers!) | Reduced Impact Family
Indoor worm composting! Doesn't that sound like fun? Well it sure did to our 2 young children. "We get to keep worms in the house? Cool!"
Organic Foods for Kids | Reduced Impact Family
The following is a research project on Organic Foods by our son Ethan (8 yrs old). It ends with a great "Star Wars" video that kids love!! He presented the presentation to his grade 3 class and his s...
The First Years….really? | Reduced Impact Family
I have to admit that with the nice weather here, it has been harder and harder to keep our blogs coming. But when I see something that sparks the fire in me again, this is where I come. So I was at ...
Pet Peeves on Plastics | Reduced Impact Family
A world without plastic is almost unimaginable. Take a look around the room you are sitting in, I bet you can see over 2 dozen items formed, molded, or extruded from one type of plastic or another. ...
Junk Mail | Reduced Impact Family
If you are like me and your flyers and junk mail moves directly from your mail box to your recycling bin, give some thought to cancelling the delivery of junk mail to your home. There are a couple of...