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PT. Rejeki Intilogam Jaya
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PT. Rejeki Intilogam Jaya
SORTING MATERIALS Scrap materials from our suppliers are initially sorted by our incoming team to check the condition of the materials. The team removes any unwanted materials and other metals in orde...
PT. Rejeki Intilogam Jaya
AWARDS Over the years, we have received many appreciations from our customers for our high commitment in delivering high quality aluminium ingots and on-time delivery. We ar...
PT. Rejeki Intilogam Jaya
HUMAN RESOURCES Our excellent team is focus on our customer's needs in which they follow PDCA frame work. They Communicate with facts and data in team which they share mutual spirit, trust, understand...
PT. Rejeki Intilogam Jaya
DIES MANUFACTURING We offer manufacturers the ability to receive service related to aluminium extrusion by developing tool and die design, process engineering and high-quality extrusion mould. The det...
PT. Rejeki Intilogam Jaya
Office & Factory Kp. Cisereh Jl. Veteran No. 19 RT 004 / RW 006 Ds. Kadu Jaya - Curug Kab. Tangerang - Banten 15810 P. +6221 594 93822