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Advice — RelWisdom
Hear Others' Advice. Sometimes, it helps to learn what others do to alleviate relationship stress. There's no need to go through stressful times alone. Here are examples of what others might do to all...
Take Quiz — RelWisdom
Attachment styles capture the way a person relates to others and manages insecurities. Have you ever wanted to be with someone but felt worried they may not have wanted to be with you? Is your partner...
More on Attachment Style — RelWisdom
Learn More on Attachment Style. At this point, you have received your attachment results and have read about what these results mean. Perhaps you want to learn more. Great! What exactly is attachmen...
Interpret Quiz Results — RelWisdom
Generally low attachment avoidance, generally low attachment anxiety People with secure tendencies manage relationship boundaries without feeling worried, insecure, or the need for emotional distance....
About Us — RelWisdom
Who We Are. RelWisdom was created by research teams at Purdue University and Goldsmiths, University of London that is dedicated to the study of romantic involvements. This website was created with sup...