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REPE 2024 | Beijing, China
Welcome to REPE 2024 Renewable energy and power engineering are crucial to address global energy and climate challenges. The increasing energy demand, coupled with the need to reduce carbon emissions,...
REPE 2023丨Beijing, China
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Speakers Prof. Janusz Bialek, Newcastle University, UK The title of the talk: New Paradigm of Power System Operation and Control (Click for abstract) Janusz Bialek (FIEEE) received...
REPE 2023丨Beijing, China
Min Guo, Tsinghua University, China Jiaqi Zhang, Tsinghua University, China Sufan Shen, Tsinghua University, China Chang Chen, Tsinghua University, China Yanzhuo Su, Tsinghua Unive...
REPE 2023丨Beijing, China
Wind Energy Systems Energy-Saving Technology Power Engineering Energy Storage Technologies and Devices Power and Energy Generation, Transmission, and Distribut...
REPE 2023丨Beijing, China
REPE HISTORY REPE 2020 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE 2020) is planned to be held in Edmonton, Canada during October 9-11, 2020. But with the ev...
REPE 2023丨Beijing, China
Prof. Loi Lei Lai, Guangdong University of Technology, China IEEE Fellow IEEE Fellow、教育部长江学者特聘教授 IEEE Fellow IEEE Fellow Prof. Xiaorong Xie, Tsinghua University, China IEEE Fellow Prof. Youmin Zhang,...