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Research Support Hub | University of Northampton
University of Northampton
Postgraduate Researcher Award 2022 | UON Graduate School Blog
Photo by cottonbro on PGRs are invited to apply for funding from the 2022 Postgraduate Researcher Award and have until Friday 29th April to do so. The Postgraduate Researcher Award provides...
Graduate School | UON Graduate School Blog
The Graduate School plays a central role providing a University-wide framework for training, support, career preparation and administration to help all postgraduate research degree students and early ...
‘Gateway’, the postgraduate research management system | UON Graduate School Blog
Gateway is our online postgraduate research (PGR) management system. The objectives of the system are to: Provide a shared, web-based record system for PGR students, their supervisors, school research...
Your online thesis: what you need to know | UON Graduate School Blog
The PGR Thesis and Examination Policy states that it is mandatory for final, post-examination copies of research degree theses to be deposited in NECTAR. But what does this mean for PGR students (and...
Checklist for new research students | UON Graduate School Blog
As a new research student, it's important that you're quickly able to take advantage of the many resources and services available to you at the university. This checklist will show you how to log in t...