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Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program The rebate program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older. The income...
Personal Income Tax
Personal Income Tax File Your PA Pennsylvania Personal Income Tax return with myPATH Pennsylvanians have the option to submit PA Personal Income Tax returns online with the Department of Revenu...
Personal Income Tax Payment
Online, by Phone or Mail Online New electronic payments options are now available through myPATH. myPATH allows you to make estimated, extension, or return payments for PA-40, PA-41, or PA-20S...
- 2022 Personal Income Tax Forms
Corporation Taxes
Corporation Taxes Attention: Corporate Specialty Tax Account Holders Online filing and payment options for most Corporate Specialty Tax account holders will soon be available on myPATH, the Department...