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Reverse Mortgage Calculator
Reverse Mortgage Calculator One of the first questions that someone contemplating a reverse mortgage inevitably asks is, “How much can I get?” Fortunately, you no longer need to speak to a lender in o...
Reverse Mortgage Calculator
Reverse Mortgage Calculator Traditonal mortgage calculators are simple tools which allow you to quickly and easily compute how much it will cost to buy a new home or refinance your existing home. Reve...
How Do Housing Prices Affect Reverse Mortgages?
How Do Housing Prices Affect Reverse Mortgages? The most important factor in the size of your reverse mortgage loan (other than your age and your own personal inclination) is the value of your home. A...
Reverse Mortgage Rates
Reverse Mortgage Rates You must be at least 62 years of age to qualify for a reverse mortgage loan. The most common reverse mortgage is the home equity conversion mortgage (HECM). Since HECM loans ar...
Obtain a Reverse Mortgage in 8 Easy Steps!
How to Obtain a Reverse Mortgage In previous posts, I have explored the decision to obtain a reverse mortgage, and the process that is necessary to produce such a decision. With today’s post, I want t...
3 Different Types of Reverse Mortgages: HECM, Single-Purpose, Proprietary
Reverse Mortgages: 3 Different Types In the press (and here on the Reverse Mortgage blog), so-called Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs)get most of the attention, and for good reason. By most es...