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Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
NSW & ACT Revival Fellowship is a church family where you will hear inspiring teaching straight from the Word of God.
Online meetings : Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
Wednesdays 7:30pm Newcastle/Hunter Zoom (ID 882 643 2415) 7:30pm Canberra Northside Zoom (ID 841 9323 9873) 7:30pm Canberra Southside Zoom (ID 879 3607 3198) Thursdays Fridays Sundays 10:30am Canb...
Resources : Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
One Vision has developed this new set of cards and pamphlets, and they are all available free-of-charge to all fellowships in NSW and ACT. They can also be personalised for your fellowship. Order onli...
Locations : Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
Locations The Revival Fellowship is part of a worldwide group of people from all races, walks of life, age groups and social backgrounds that share a common experience through belief in the Bible bein...
Our Story : Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
Our Story Our churches in NSW and ACT are part of a worldwide group of people from all races, walks of life, age groups and social backgrounds that share a common experience through belief in the Bibl...
Ministry : Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
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