Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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2021 – Rhonabwy
10 posts published by heckj in the year 2021
Nested Observable Objects in SwiftUI – Rhonabwy
This one often starts with the phrase: Hey, why isn't my view updating? It shows the initial data, but it doesn't update when that data gets changed!... more than one person, including me ... When you...
Combine: throttle and debounce – Rhonabwy
Updated March 2020 with more thoroughly accurate timing diagrams, after vetting against iOS13.2, iOS 13.3, and iOS13.4 beta. Combine was announced and released this past summer with iOS 13. And with t...
Hosting your Swift Library Docs on Github Pages – Rhonabwy
The beta for Xcode 13.3 dropped yesterday. With it came a released version of Swift 5.6 and a bunch of neat additions that the 5.6 release enables. A feature I was watching closely was two-fold: the c...
Rhonabwy – Software development and daily life in Seattle
Software development and daily life in Seattle
search – Rhonabwy
Posts about search written by heckj