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...Rich Kid Herbert...
More than guides and info. It's all about online adventure!
...Rich Kid Herbert...: 2021
Monday, February 1, 2021 Overview: Port Malaya is the global project map that was inspired from the Philippines. Adventurers can join the Pintados Festival where in players can craft a local ac...
...Rich Kid Herbert...: Episodes
Ragnarok Malaysia-Singapore-Philippines is starting from the first episode on it's re-launch. I aim to monitor the episodes on this s...
...Rich Kid Herbert...: 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020 Today is a crucial war for RCL participating alliances and guilds since this is the last day of WOE 1. It's the make or break war to get the Bingo Points needed to get ahead o...
...Rich Kid Herbert...: Links
The page contains useful links for our adventures. Most of the links on this page are my reliable sources. I'll be sharing them to y...
...Rich Kid Herbert...: 4th Job Class Impressions
Overview: 10 years after renewal and the introduction of 3rd job class, kRO revealed that we can now advance to a higher job class which is...