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Overview - Royal Marsden Manual
Overview Overview This chapter begins with an explanation of the causes of infection and then focuses on healthcare‐associated infections (HCAIs), specifically describing the steps to be taken to min...
Procedures - Royal Marsden Manual
Procedures There are no procedures that starts with a non-alphabetic letter
Overview - Royal Marsden Manual
Overview Overview This chapter provides an overview of elimination and is divided into four main sections. The first reviews normal elimination. The second section examines altered urinary eliminatio...
Overview - Royal Marsden Manual
Overview Overview Care of patients undergoing any surgical procedure has three main phases: pre‐operative (prior to the procedure), intraoperative (during the procedure) and post‐operative (immediate...
Quick reference to the procedure guidelines - Royal Marsden Manual
Quick reference to the procedure guidelines For more information on personal protective equipment (specified as the first item in the procedure guideline equipment lists where relevant), ...
Help - Royal Marsden Manual
Help How do I log in? You may be logged in automatically, or you can log in using your OpenAthens credentials. If you are an administrator, you can also log in using your administrative credentials. I...