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Ronald B. Richardson
a.k.a. Ronosaurus Rex
Ronald B. Richardson, aka Ronosaurus Rex | Ronald B. Richardson
Explore the universe with me through photography, science fiction, horror, poetry, and nonfiction, especially about metafiction and teaching. Interested in the influence of narrative language on perce...
111 Best Works of Metafiction | Ronald B. Richardson
A list of metafictional texts and works with metafictional elements, including some metapoems and metaplays.
Why Metafiction Matters | Ronald B. Richardson
Metafiction is an attempt through stories to understand what stories are. Why do stories matter? Because we are stories. (Book-shaped urns at the Chapel of the Chimes, designed by Julia Morgan, with G...
Why Meta Matters | Ronald B. Richardson
Metafiction is the narrative quest for narrative, an attempt through stories to understand what stories are. Why do stories matter? Because we are stories. Whenever you -- or anyone else -- says you a...
Major Themes of Metafiction | Ronald B. Richardson
An overview of major themes, conventions, and motifs in metafiction, which is basically fiction about fiction or fiction that is somehow self-reflective.