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- – it's about linguistics, disambiguation and quirky language differences, mostly
This morning my Danish-American better half uttered in Danish: “Så han blev beskyldt for at lave ting op”. This is a word-by-word, “I am not quite awake”-type direct translation of English that she an...
English is a Scandinavian language! | – it's about linguistics, disambiguation and
—— Linguist Makes Sensational Claim: English Is a Scandinavian Language Nov. 27, 2012 — “Have you considered how easy it is for us Norwegians to learn English?” asks Jan Terje Faarlund, professor of l...
- – it's about linguistics, disambiguation and quirky language differences, mostly
The original English sentence was: “When you receive an upgrade notification on your mobile device, install it immediately. With every upgrade, providers are closing security gaps which can make your ...
Context | – it's about linguistics, disambiguation and quirky language differences
Number can do a number on any unsuspecting bi-linguist. In English, the word Number has at least three distinct possible meanings. Since it remains the same word, this is not always apparent to an En...
Rotten Danish | – it's about linguistics, disambiguation and quirky language
The strange and many meanings of the word “get”: Watching a movie on TV the other night, the plot involved someone saying something very true to someone who was not in the mood to listen to it, so the...
About this blog | – it's about linguistics, disambiguation and quirky language
About this blog My name is André Perman. This blog is a collection of quirks and amusing things which I’ve come across in my years of work as a Danish Linguist. Working for generally English-speaking...