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rotting sounds
rotting sounds Bovermann, Till / Thomas Grill / Almut Schilling (2022), »Rotting Sounds. Artistic Research Practice in Experimental Sound Art«, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie 19/2. The...
Rotting sounds symposium, September 23+24 – rotting sounds
Since 2018, the project of artistic research Rotting sounds – Embracing the temporal deterioration of digital audio has been researching transformation processes pertaining to the diverse interrelati...
News – rotting sounds
Rotting sounds – Digitality and materiality Most of today’s media output, be it audio or video, is produced and stored in the digital domain. Although digital data are adorned by the myth of lossless ...
Inscriptions from the archive – rotting sounds
commissioned by rotting sounds Sound archive, wooden seat rows, laser engraving machine The archive of the auditorium of rotting sounds is continuously growing. Every hour, each of the sounding exhibi...
1-bit audio – rotting sounds
Noise Shaping einen Einblick in das Forschungsprojekt rotting sounds, das sich mit der Vergänglichkeit von digitalem Klang im sozialen, technologischen und zeitlichen Kontext beschäftigt. Ein zentral...
Antenna – rotting sounds
commissioned by rotting sounds Steel cable, color, acoustic transducers, digital sound processing, text The “Antenna” installation creates an interface between sound and its environment. It transmits...