Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
rpm: Dependencies
DependenciesDependencies provide a way for a package builder to require other packages or capabilities to be installed before or simultaneously with one another. These can be used to require a python ...
rpm package manager
RPM project team releases a new official RPM version. Find short hints about those events here. The list is not complete, but at least contains all major events. 2008 2009-06-28: released RPM versi...
rpm: Query formats
Query formatsAs it is impossible to please everyone with one style of query output, RPM allows you to specify what information should be printed during a query operation and how it should be formatted...
rpm package manager
RPM Files Repository The RPM project publishes its primary development results as distribution files in TAR/GZip and RPM formats. This Files Repository can be anonymously browsed and all distributio...
rpm package manager
RPM book, written by Ed Bailey in 1997. It is available in hardback (442 pages), and has been re-printed by Sams in soft-cover (450 pages, ISBN 0672311054). A partly updated version...
rpm: File Index