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New Hungary Development Plan.
the smoothest layerwidth is 16 μ in HIGH QUALITY mode, general layerwidth is 30 μ in HIGH SPEED mode, the smallest possible width of the wall of the prototype is 0,8 mm, the biggest possible ...
New Hungary Development Plan. Our 3D scanning service In our turbulent world we are more frequently faced by the challenge that our customers expect precise, duly fitting CAD bas...
Ipari bevonatok 2007-től elkezdtük Magyarországon forgalmazni a szlovákiai PROFEX-LC által gyártott vízbázisú, korróziógátló festékeket, amelyek alkalmazhatóak betonra, illetve fém felületre. ...
Industrial Coatings We started the Hungarian distribution of the Slovak PROFEX-LC water-base, corrosion protecting paints in 2007. These products are applicable on concrete and metal surfaces....