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Ruby Quiz
Ruby Quiz Is Ruby Quiz Still Active? Yes, but it's under new management and this is no longer the site for the current challenges. After running three years worth of quizzes, I retired as quizmaster ...
Ruby Quiz - Parsing JSON (#155)
Ruby Quiz Parsing JSON (#155) There has been a lot of talk recently about parsing with Ruby. We're seeing some parser generator libraries pop up that make the task that much easier and they'v...
Ruby Quiz - HighLine (#29)
Ruby Quiz HighLine (#29) When you stop and think about it, methods like gets(), while handy, are still pretty low level. In running Ruby Quiz I'm always seeing solutions with helper methods s...
Ruby Quiz - One-Liners (#113)
Ruby Quiz One-Liners (#113) This week's Ruby Quiz is in pop quiz format. For each of the scenarios below, send in a one line (80 characters or less) solution that performs the task. You may ...
Ruby Quiz - Bytecode Compiler (#100)
Ruby Quiz Note: This quiz isn't really as much work as it might seem! This quiz involves writing (in Ruby, of course) a compiler for basic arithmetic expressions. The output from this compiler should ...
Ruby Quiz - The Solitaire Cipher (#1)
Ruby Quiz The Solitaire Cipher (#1) Cryptologist Bruce Schneier designed the hand cipher "Solitaire" for Neal Stephenson's book "Cryptonomicon". Created to be the first truly secure hand ciph...