Sidepath - Rural Design Guide
A design resource and idea book, intended to help smalltowns and rural communities support safe, comfortable, and active travel for people of all ages and abilities.
Sidewalk - Rural Design Guide
Sidewalks provide dedicated space intended for use by pedestrians that is safe, comfortable, and accessible to all. Sidewalks are physically separated f...
Introduction - Rural Design Guide
Why a Rural and Small Town Focused Guide?
Rural and small town America is diverse and varied throughout the country. According to the FHWA's Planning for Transportation in Rural Areas, 75...
Shared Use Path - Rural Design Guide
Shared Use Path
shared use path provides a travel area separate from motorized traffic for bicyclists, pedestrians, skaters, wheelchair users, joggers, and other users. Shared use paths can provide...
Bike Lane - Rural Design Guide
Bike Lane
Bike Lane
Bike lanes designate an exclusive space for bicyclists through the use of pavement markings and optional signs. A bike lane is located directly adjace...
Yield Roadway - Rural Design Guide
Yield Roadway
yield roadway is designed to serve pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicle traffic in the same slow-speed travel area. Yield roadways serve bidirectional motor vehicle traffic with...