Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Ryan Morr
Web developer based in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. I love to create dynamic web applications with a particular passion for JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, and HTML5.
Understanding Scope and Context in JavaScript | Ryan Morr
Understanding Scope and Context in JavaScript August 16, 2013 JavaScript JavaScript’s implementation of scope and context is a unique feature of the language, in part because it is so flexible. Functi...
True Hash Maps in JavaScript | Ryan Morr
Web developer based in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. I love to create dynamic web applications with a keen interest in JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, and HTML5.
The State of Browser Detection | Ryan Morr
The State of Browser Detection March 31, 2014 Feature Testing and JavaScript Despite the progress client-side scripting has made in the last decade or so, it seems some bad practices are poised to nev...
Exploring the Eternal Abyss of Null and Undefined | Ryan Morr
String, Number, and Boolean. These primitives are fairly straightforward and function as you might expect. This article, however, will be focusing on the more unique primitive data types known as N...
Abstract Away the Performance Faults of querySelectorAll | Ryan Morr
querySelector function does in fact map to getElementById internally if the selector string is a singular ID selector. So why the loss in performance? It turns out that even after getElementById is ...