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Sophie Kate’s Journal
Sophie Kate’s Journal April 8th, 2009 We have been visiting way too many doctors offices lately. Nothing major just your everyday run of the mill draining of an abscess, a scope for SK’s airway b/c ...
March « 2009 « Sophie Kate’s Journal
Friday, March 27th, 2009 My littlest man will turn 3 on Saturday. Of course I want to say that I can’t believe he’s fixin’ to be 3, but see the thing with Grey is that he thinks he’s 6. It makes me ...
December « 2008 « Sophie Kate’s Journal
Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008 Hey everyone. The kids are officially out of school here which officially kicks off the next three weeks of “stop that,” “give that back to your brother,” “is this really...
January « 2009 « Sophie Kate’s Journal
Thursday, January 29th, 2009 I had the privilege this past Sunday to make a trip over to Atlanta with a dear friend of mine to attend the live recording for Travis Cottrell’s new CD/DVD. If you don’t...
June « 2009 « Sophie Kate’s Journal
I have a love/hate relationship with these…. This is the “Special Tomato” chair my daughter sits in to be fed, to play with toys on the tray that came with it and then just to hang out in the family r...
Increases « Sophie Kate’s Journal
Increases Sophie Kate had her six month checkup with her pediatrician last Friday (May 10). She weighed 14 pounds 8 ounces and was 26 inches long, that is a great increase for her. The most important ...