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SA Chess xiangqi software introduction and features | SA Chess Official site(strong xiangqi software
SA Chess is a incredible strong xiangqi(chinese chess) software with UCCI engine. SA Chess features: 1. Incredible strong xiangqi engine 2. switch engine just one click
SA Chess - strong xiangqi engine, latest version is 2.2
SA Chess is a Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) software, latest version is 2.2, engine strength improved much , Now UI and dual cores engine are free to use.
SA Chess xiangqi software introduction and features | SA Chess Official site(strong xiangqi software
October 18, 2014 Last year I bought SA Chess Quad Core Edition V1.1; I use with my desk top (Core i5-2320) and my notebook (Core i7-4500U). Both are installed with Windows 7 64 bit. The SA Chess It ...