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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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SAINCO | Saina Pars Nikan Company
World is developing. The growing population from one hand faces with growing demand for water, food, energy and raw materials, and from the other hand needs guidance and coherent planning to meet t...
Rail Due to ability to transfer large volumes of goods between origin and destination, rail transport is one of the major infrastructures of development SAINCO paying serious attention to this issue...
Tunnel | SAINCO
Tunnel Facilitated access and reduced distance are of primary functions of tunnel in industry. SAINCO, relying on specialists and several decades of experience, has rendered valuable services in thi...
Partners | SAINCO
Partners One of the main concerns of SAINCO has been the continuous improvement in quality of services provided for the employers based on modern technologies; and partnership with prominent comp...
About Us | SAINCO
About Us SAINCO with nearly 10 years of experience and capable staff, is able to offer services in connection with infrastructures of development in energy supply including all types of hydroelec...
History | SAINCO
ALIJENABAN by the Fareghotahsilan daneshgah sharif in late 2004. The aim of the company was initially to provide technical and engineering services. But gradually with the increase of national n...