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Sam Hutchings
Helping you communicate a great experience.
Sam Hutchings
Designer and Artist. Currently working at The Familiar.
Sam Hutchings
Sam Hutchings Sam Hutchings. I’ve had many jobs over the last 15 years. From golf course greenskeeper to lead copywriter. But, for the last few years, I’ve worked hard to become a Designer and Artist,...
Sam Hutchings
Sam Hutchings Solving problems with Creativity Design is more than how something looks. It is a process that can be applied to a variety of problems. Each of the projects shown below started with a pr...
Sam Hutchings
(Talk) Quantity over Quality. The Secret to Great Ideas. Design Methodology Talks ...
Sam Hutchings
Sam Hutchings Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reading a lot about Design Thinking, Design Processes, and Design Sprints. The idea being to understand how these three areas interact, and to un...