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Meet Us
Santa Cruz Learning Center Team of Educators Home school Math geometry class a-g classes homeschool homeschool lab course a-g lab Tutoring, homeschool, SAT Prep, Test Prep, Homeschool Science Lab, Tut...
Register for a Homeschool Course at Santa Cruz Learning Center
Home school Math geometry class Algebra class a-g classes homeschool homeschool lab course a-g lab Tutoring, homeschool, SAT Prep, Test Prep, Homeschool Science Lab, Tutor, test proctor, santa cruz, s...
Homeschool Course Schedule
All classes will run for the full year unless otherwise indicated You don't need to reregister for the spring semester if you already were signed up for the fall. All middle and high school courses a...
Summer 2022
Week 8: Paleontology Paridise 8/1/22-8/5/22 * if you would like to sign your child up for just ONE week of a two-week session, indicate this when you register. Morning drop-off each day is between 1...
Summer Camp 2023
SCLC has all day summer camp for kids, ages 5-12 for most of the summer. Our camps are rich in science and art activities with an outdoor adventure every afternoon.
High School Courses
All High School courses are one year long unless otherwise noted. All high school classes are available to take live, via Zoom and/or in-person at TheCenter. We encourage you to try out each class f...