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SAS & Statistics: 2017
%macro readpass(xlsfile1,xlsfile2,passwd,outfile,sheetname,getnames); options macrogen symbolgen mprint nocaps; options noxwait noxsync; %* we start excel here using this routine here *; filename...
SAS & Statistics: Power Calculation
Example of finding power of a balanced one way ANOVA: proc power; onewayanova test = overall groupmeans = 59 | 66 | 42 ...
SAS & Statistics: Compress - Keep Writable
varname = compress(varname, , 'kw'); The modifier “k” stands for ‘KEEP’ and the modifier “w” stands for ‘WRITABLE’. When compress function...
SAS & Statistics: Get around ‘WARNING: Fisher's exact test is not computed when the total sample
Fisher's Exact test can be memory and computation extensive when the sample size is large. For the large sample size problem, you can use M...
SAS & Statistics
SAS & Statistics SOUNDEX (Sound Alike) Example: Example: COMPELVE (Levenshtein Edit Distance) Example: COMPGED (Generalized Edit Distance) Example: I: ignore case, L: ignore leading blank; N:igno...