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Save A Girl Child
Welcome to the world of the girl child, promising yet gloomy, hopeful, yet in despair. The hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, the mother of tomorrow; a woman shapes the destiny of civil...
Save Girl Child
About SGC Save Girl Child is a humanitarian project run by The Organization for Eradication of Illiteracy and Poverty (OEIP). The organization aims to tirelessly work towards the welfare of the girl c...
Save Girl Child
Driving progress for gender equality in and through education The United Nations Gender Equality Initiative (UNGEI) is a global partnership dedicated to improving gender equality in and through educat...
Save Girl Child
Global Index - Female Feticide A UN report says 460,000 girls were missing at birth each year from 2013 to 2017 due to gender selection & female feticide. Overall, nearly 45.8 million females are ‘mis...
Save Girl Child
Illiteracy – The Bane A 2013 report by UNESCO found that 31 million girls of primary school age have never attended school. Shockingly, one out of every four young women in developing countries had ne...
Save Girl Child
Education & Self Awareness India, which has one third of the world's minor brides, is preparing to modify the rule that outlaws child marriage and will treat any future marriages involving children a...