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SCA Spartans Volleyball | Strength Character Attitude
Strength Character Attitude
Volleyball Drills for Home | SCA Spartans Volleyball
Volleyball Drills for Home Here are some footwork drills and skills drills that the girls can do so they can work on their ball control. Part 1: skills (muscle memory) 25 correct approaches: Right h...
SCA Spartans Volleyball | Strength Character Attitude | Page 2
I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving week! I just wanted to let you know, that I was contacted by Mrs. Lutz to see if we could cover concessions on December 17. I told her yes. I...
Conditioning Camp, First Official Practice | SCA Spartans Volleyball
Hello everyone, First, I want to thank everyone who helped out with the Middle School Camp this past week. We had 30 girls total! On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will have a quick conditioning c...
Welcome and Conditioning Camp | SCA Spartans Volleyball
Hello Everyone, I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. We are getting close to the start of school and the start of the high school season. If you are new to this site and are planning on playing o...
SCA Youth CAMP Flyers | SCA Spartans Volleyball
Lil' Spartan Camp - Girls and Boys are Welcome! - March 26-28, 2019 lRegistration Form