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Loara High School Class of 1975 Index Page
Loara Class of 1975 is a website dedicated to keeping classmates in contact and connected with their past and with each other.
Telephone History Inventors
Rutgers, 2001 Philipp Reis, a German inventor, created the first working model of a voice transmitting device in 1861. "It is now certain that if the first authentic instruments us...
Telephone History Sources Page
DOCUMENTS and PHOTOGRAPHS Bell, Alexander Graham. Caveat as filed with U.S. Patent Office, 14 Feb. 1876 and original notebook entries, 1875-1880. Bell kept notes about his ex...
Telephone History Interviews
October and November 2001 Q: You were born during the "baby boom" of the 1950's and 1960's. What do you remember about the telephone? A: My first memory of the telephone is from 1964 when...
Telephone History What Is Page
The Telephone A simple telephone can be described as a transmitter, wires and a receiver. Bell and Gray's first telephones used a liquid transmitter; Edison's used carbon. Be...
- Telephone History Index Page