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Main - Наука в ДонНУ
Main Людвіг Больцман The University, which had to leave its laboratory facilities, premises, equipment, and library stock in Donetsk, is currently reviving its research potential and remains one of th...
List of specialties - Наука в ДонНУ
Code and name of the field of science Code and name of the specialty Certificate of accreditation 03 Humanities 035 Philology Certificate of accreditation of educational and scientific program, issued...
Graduate school - Наука в ДонНУ
Training of PhD students at Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University is carried out by graduate school in accordance with the “Procedure for training Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Sciences in hi...
Головна - Наука в ДонНУ
Людвіг Больцман Університет, змушений залишити свою лабораторну базу, приміщення, обладнання, бібліотечний фонд у місті Донецьку, відроджує свій науковий потенціал та залишається одним з провідних нау...
Scientific editions - Наука в ДонНУ
Scientific editions Scientific editions In 2016, the University was publishing six scientific professional journals and collected articles, registered by the State Certification Board of the Ministry ...
About DonNU - Наука в ДонНУ
About DonNU About DonNU Vasyl Stus’ Donetsk National University is a classical higher educational institution with more than 70-year history. Inventions and scientific discoveries of the university sc...