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Popular pages
About Us - Scoil Ursula N.S.
The history of Scoil Ursula in Sligo as told by one of our pupils
School Calendar - Scoil Ursula N.S.
Scoil Ursula Calendar and all the events happening in the school
Scoil Ursula N.S. - Junior Infants
Spring is the start of new life. Buds start to grow on trees. Farmers and Gardeners start to plant their seeds. Lambs and Calves are starting to be born. We see blue skies. Flowers are starting...
Enrolment - Scoil Ursula N.S.
Enrolment information and online enrolment forms
Publications - Scoil Ursula N.S.
Publications of Scoil Ursula, Sligo
Staff - Scoil Ursula N.S.
Detailing the teaching, administrative and support staff of Scoil Ursula