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King Arthur Pendragon: Notes, Maps and Links for your Pendragon Game
King Arthur Pendragon Roleplaying Game. These charts combine notes and tables from several versions of the King Arthur Pendragon game, allowing players to make up characters from various c...
Welcome to Greyhawk
This map is the work of the Zach Henderson. To download the full-sized image (it's over 80Mb and doesn't open well within a browser) right click HERE and save the map to...
The World of Gaile: A Campaign Setting for Castles & Crusades
A campaign setting for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, this file has all of the basics you need to run a game using this setting. Estegalle is the eastern continent of the world of Gaile...
The Fjarrstrand Sagas
THE FJARRSTRAND SAGAS This post-apocalyptic campaign setting, for the amazing Barbarians of Lemuria RPG, takes place after Ragnarok and the death of the gods. The gods' doom preceded that of...
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Resources & Links Page
This is a scaled-back version of the 5th edition Player's Handbook that attempts to better emulate "old school" D&D with the latest edition. It is designed to be compatible with t...