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Current SED Questionnaire
Current SED Questionnaire Current SED Questionnaire The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) questionnaire can be completed either by web or hard copy. Eligible respondents are research doctorate g...
SED Results and Reports
SED Results and Reports SED Reports The following reports using data collected by the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) are available to the public free of charge from NSF's website:...
Questionnaires/Web Survey
Questionnaires/Web Survey Questionnaires/Web Survey The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) questionnaire can be completed either by web or hard copy. Eligible respondents are research doctorate g...
Welcome to SED ICAT
Welcome to SED ICAT Important Notice The SED survey will be unavailable Sunday 06/24/2018 from 8:00 AM ET to 9:00 AM ET for maintenance This site contains all information necessary f...
Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Completion Certificate of Completion At the completion of the web survey, you have the opportunity to print and/or email a certificate of completion to your institution contac...
Detailed Information for Institution Contacts
Detailed Information for Institution Contacts Detailed Information for Institution Contacts The success of the SED as the definitive census of U.S. research doctorate recipients relies o...