Analogue Seismograms
Seismograms recorded on analogue media (e.g., paper and film) cover much longer time period than that from the digital time series. ...
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee
Research Interests
My current research work and interests are in the realms of non-earthquake seismic sources (e.g., volcanic tremor or oceanic microseism), digitization of paper seismogra...
Analogue Seismograms
Analogue Seismograms
Analogue recordings of ground motion using seismometers began in the late 1800s, and these valuable data still exist today. They are key to understanding past events (e.g., ear...
Sunyoung Park
Sunyoung Park
Research Interests
I am interested in a variety of seismology topics including earth's shallow structure, deep structure, and earthquake characterization. I enjoy th...
Adam M. Dziewonski
1996, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow
1995, Green Scholar, University of California, San Diego
1995, Miller Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley
1995, ...
DigitSeis: Documentation
Unless otherwise noted, all videos feature the example seismogram included with DigitSeis packages and available for individual download on the DigitSeis Page. Additionally, with the exception of the...