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About Us | Mysite
Log In About us Spiritist Enlightenment and Renewal (S.E.R) is a nonprofit organization, founded on February 27, 2007, by kindred hearts committed to the study, dissemination, and practice of t...
Classes and Events | Mysite
come and join one of our courses! The Spirits' Book Saturday 5:00pm to 7:30pm This course provides a basic knowledge of Spiritism. It starts with the study of The Spirits' Book—the first of the fiv...
Schedule | Mysite
Online - Contact us for the link. SER
F.A.Q. | Mysite
Log In 1) Does the Bible condemn communication with spirits? The texts of the Holy Scriptures are rich in elements necessary for our understanding of divine things. As is common knowledge, while the ...
Spiritism Fundamentals | Mysite
4. Where may we find proof for the existence of God? “In an axiom you apply to all your sciences: ‘There is no effect without a cause.’ If you would search for the cause of whatever is not the work o...
Mediumship | Mysite
Log In mediumship Mediumship is the faculty all humans have of communicating with the spirit world. Everyone is a medium to a certain degree, but we mainly call mediums those who manifest their medium...