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Serena Cenatiempo - CV
Personal website PhD Serena Cenatiempo
Serena Cenatiempo - Lectures
Serena Cenatiempo 07/2017 One lecture 09/2016 Sapienza, Università di Roma (IT) 04/2015 2021 2017 Spring 2014 Spring 2010, 2011 Light, quanta and Planck constant [pdf] Fractals in Nature [pd...
Serena Cenatiempo - Talks
Serena Cenatiempo AQSeminars, University of L'Aquila Math Phys Seminar, Sapienza Università di Roma 2021
Serena Cenatiempo - Papers
Serena Cenatiempo Publications with G. Basti, A. Giuliani, A. Olgiati, G. Pasqualetti and B. Schlein, regime, with C. Caraci and B. Schlein, in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime wi...
Serena Cenatiempo - Activities
Serena Cenatiempo Since 2021, I am an associate editor of the journal Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. I have been part of the scientific and organizing committee for the following worksho...
Serena Cenatiempo - Upcoming
Serena Cenatiempo Events and seminar at GSSI can be found at this page.