Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Proficiency Testing | SFGH-POCT Services
We obtain our proficiency samples from CAP (College of American Pathology) and American Proficiency Testing (API). Both programs allow laboratories to regularly evaluate their performance and improve ...
- Education | SFGH-POCT Services
About POCT | SFGH-POCT Services
Point of Care Testing ( POCT) references all laboratory tests performed outside the formal walls of the Clinical Laboratory. In other words, with or in close proximity to the patient, client, or guest...
Regulatory | SFGH-POCT Services
Regulatory Follow the links below to access sources for regulations, standards, and other resources that either directly or indirectly effect our POCT program. California Business and Professions C...
Requesting Privileges | SFGH-POCT Services
Requesting Privileges POCT privileges at SFGH are contingent on approval from the Director of the Clinical Laboratory and the POCT Committee. POCT is a privilege, not a right. To apply for approval fo...
Fern | SFGH-POCT Services
Competency: Have your designated PPMP Physician Champion enroll you in the online PPMP coursework for PPMP Testing (MTS software program). With a passing score, this testing fulfills two of the requ...