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How It Works - SG Partners, Inc.
Initial Meeting 1-2 hours in length involving your decision making team. Involves an in-depth discussion of your current accounting activities, including systems, transactions, nature of your business...
Bookkeeping Services - SG Partners, Inc.
The following is a summary of our most popular solutions. If you desire a service or a plan not listed, please let us know and we will create a custom program for you. By matching our fees to your act...
Accounting for Startups - SG Partners, Inc.
Accounting for Startups: Small Business Accounting One of the most important aspects when starting or operating any new business is accounting. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with other tasks w...
Home - SG Partners, Inc.
Home HUMAN RESOURCES TAX SERVICES Never Hire or Fire a Bookkeeper Again Hiring and firing bookkeepers can be quite an expensive proposition for a company, since there are costs involved with both part...
Outsourced Bookkeeping - SG Partners, Inc.
In addition to relying on SG Partners for your human resources and tax service needs, you can also turn to us for help with your bookkeeping. We offer a variety of plans for companies just like yours,...
Pricing - SG Partners, Inc.
Pricing The following is a summary of our most popular solutions. If you desire a service or a plan not listed, please let us know and we will create a custom program for you. By matching our fees to ...