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Shamim Sufi | exploration for excellence
exploration for excellence
My Writings – Shamim Sufi
My writings published in dailies and weeklies. 1. Anticipatory Bail. 2. When bail can be obtained 3. Child Labour 4. Contempt of Court 5. Trial of Juvenile Delinquents 6. Right of Muslim Women 7. Air/...
shamimsufi – Shamim Sufi
Read all of the posts by shamimsufi on Shamim Sufi
About Myself – Shamim Sufi
I am SHAMIM SUFI. I love reading books, chatting with like minded people, viewing natural beauty, traveling to unknown places, listening to sound of raining in a tin top house, walking through the sho...
Law Writings – Shamim Sufi
Download Famous Law Writings: 1. Justice for Children in Bangladesh (vol-1) by Najrana Imaan 2. Justice_for_Children_in_Bangladesh_( Book-2) by Najrana Imaan
Laws and Judgments – Shamim Sufi
Supreme Court Decisions Important Judgments and Decisions of the Appellate Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court 1. 1989 BLD (Spl.) 1- 8th Amendment Judgment 2. 62 DLR (AD) 298–5th Amendment Judgement ...