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Welcome to Shanghai Sojourns — Shanghai Sojourns
The website of professor Andrew David Field, historian of Shanghai and observer of life, music, and art in contemporary China
My Good Reads in the “Zero Covid” Year of 2022 — Shanghai Sojourns
It has become a year-end tradition of mine to post about books I read over the previous year. And as any reader of my blogsite this past year knows, 2022 has been a challenging year for me and for all...
Getting Back to Normal: Returning to our Lives in Shanghai — Shanghai Sojourns
In my previous post, I related my experiences of returning to China in these “special times.” Now that we have gone through our two-week quarantine period, we are reintegrating ourselves back into our...
Ten Things I’m Grateful for in 2020 — Shanghai Sojourns
Yes, it was certainly an annus horribilis—in other words, a bad year in laymen’s terms. Untold millions—billions—have suffered either directly or indirectly as a result of the pandemic. And there was ...
In Search of the Lost Ballrooms of Old Shanghai — Shanghai Sojourns
Searching for lost, forgotten, and in some cases, destroyed buildings that once housed the city’s famed nightlife establishments in the 1920s-1930s.
Shanghai Sojourns
A record of activities, events, travels, workshops, conferences, book talks, and various random musings and memories