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Schoolhouse Publishing - Progeny Press Literature
Progeny Press integrates historical literature with your language arts program for a wonderfully seamless history language arts homeschool program using living books and classic literature. At Schoolh...
Schoolhouse Publishing Spelling
Even though more than 25% of our English words don't follow spelling rules, the majority of them do. Teach your homeschool student those phonics rules, and he'll have the tools to decode and spell co...
Schoolhouse Publishing Foreign Languages
Give your homeschool student (and yourself) the gift of languages! In today's global economy, it is more important than ever for your student to be equipped to deal with people of other cultures and ...
Schoolhouse Publishing High School Science
Don't let high school science intimidate you. You can competently homeschool your student through high school science (even if, like me, you never had higher science yourself) - and equip him for col...
Schoolhouse Publishing Apologia Science from Apologia Press
Apologia Press - the finest science curriculum for homeschoolers. These books are God honoring, scientifically sound, and user friendly. The Young Explorer series and The Exploring Creation series for...
Schoolhouse Publishing Thinking and Logic
I have found that thinking and logic skills are core to any homeschool language arts program. After all, it is hard to speak well or write well if you can't think well. It's hard to comprehend what ...