About - SIGAI
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Upcoming conferences
Newsletter - AI Matters
Digital Library
Who we are: academic and industrial researchers, practitioners, software developers, end users...
Call for participation: SIGAI CNC - SIGAI
Northeastern University, Boston MA, Oct 19-20, 2016.
SIGAI is building on the inaugural Career Network Conference in 2015 and successful AAAI/SIGAI job fairs at AAAI 2015 and 2016 in organizing CNC 20...
Funding Testimonials - SIGAI
Funding Testimonials
Our mailing list is open to all
Upcoming conferences
Newsletter - AI Matters
Digital Library
Funding Testimonials: Conference experiences from students funded by SIGAI trav...
History - SIGAI
Our mailing list is open to all
Upcoming conferences
Digital Library
SIGAI is one of the oldest special interest groups in the ACM. SIGAI, then SIGART, started in 1966, publishi...
Newsletter - SIGAI
Regularly featured submission categories include:
AI Impact: Description of an AI system or method that has had a
tangible impact on the world outside of the research community. These
submissions are...
AA Award - SIGAI
AA Award
Our mailing list is open to all
Upcoming conferences
Newsletter - AI Matters
Digital Library
The ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award
ACM SIGAI, in collaboration with the Interna...