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World’s Favorite Behavior Change Company - Silega
Our business simulations are suitable for corporate training, team building, executive retreats, strategic planning, kick-off events, MBA programs, sales force training, leadership training, assessmen...
Silega's Business Simulations - our original producs, 3-8hrs
Business simulations are interactive learning experiences that present simplified and minimized real-life models. Through these programs we can simulate several business years in just four to five hou...
About Silega
Today all companies organize trainings. But very few change behaviors and act on new learnings. We believe in the power of experiential learning.
Solutions - Silega
Organizations can’t change unless the people in them change their behaviors. Select Behavior Change Solution by Subject.
Silega Commander – Leadership, Culture & Values Business Simulation
Silega Commander™ is a business simulation that helps participants unlock the hidden potential of their organization and achieve sustainable growth.
Silega Pulse – Business Acumen & Finance Business Simulation
It’s a realistic live representation of a business in need of a change. Participants must manage all parts of the business process: planning, operations, finance, and people development.