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Cicada Song: ABOUT US
I started this blog in 2005 when I was a student at Brigham Young University. I chose the name "Cicada Song" because I'd recently experie...
Cicada Song: 2008
2009 goal: Have a baby. Like, really really soon. ******* 2008 goal: Lose 30 lbs. (Then get pregnant in time to gain again.) Result: Did not lose any pounds, but did not gain much during pregnancy (ab...
Cicada Song: Living the Good Life
[First, quick excuses: Work, work, work. But I want to blog consistently again, so here's a fresh start! To catch up on SOME things you've m...
Cicada Song: Gulliver's New Trick
Still really busy with stuff, but I thought I'd take a moment to share a big milestone that Gulliver reached this week. Gulliver up until no...
Cicada Song: 2009: A Year in Review
For the past couple of years ( 2007 , 2008 ), I've been reviewing goal success on my blog. Here's the review for 2009! ******* 2009 goa...
Cicada Song: March 2008
Today has been a good day so far with Switchback. We slept in this morning a little and then got ready for our day-o-fun. Our first stop was to drop off the vacuum cleaner that broke while we were cle...