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Resources | Sir John Templeton
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Life and Legacy | Sir John Templeton
Introduction John M. Templeton was born Nov. 29, 1912, in the small town of Winchester, Tennessee. Blessed with parents who encouraged freedom, the power of prayer, and the exploration of new ideas, T...
Sir John Templeton
This site, sponsored by Templeton Press, is a celebration of the life, inspiration, and achievements of Sir John Templeton as both a success in the financial world and forward thinking leader in the f...
Sir John Templeton | Chronology
1912: Born in Winchester, Tennessee. 1934: Graduated from Yale University. 1936: Received M.A. from Balliol College, Oxford. 1937: Went to work on Wall Street. 1937: Married Judith Folk; their three c...
Sir John Templeton | Obituary
Sir John Templeton, Pioneer Investor and Philanthropist John Marks Templeton, the pioneer global investor who founded the Templeton Mutual Funds and for the past three decades devoted his fortune to h...
Sir John Templeton
good or evil, problems or solutions. —John Marks Templeton Biography: Sir John Templeton John Marks Templeton, the pioneer global investor who founded the Templeton Mutual Funds and for t...